Filming and Photography

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The Botanic Gardens and State Herbarium offers some of the state’s most spectacular filming locations with a wide range of natural scenic backdrops, glasshouses and period architecture.


While fees rarely apply for not-for-profit, student and recreational photography and filming, commercial shoots – where the photographer/filmographer intends to make a profit from the shoot – they will need to purchase a Filming and Photography Permit.

The cost involved will depend on the size of crew and the amount of gear involved; access and vehicle requirements; the day and time of shooting (weekends and after hours will likely attract additional rates); and whether Botanic Gardens staff supervision and logistical support is required.

Please refer to our Filming and Photography Rate Card as a guide to permit costs.

How do I apply for a permit?

Note: If you're applying for a wedding photography permit, please see the "Wedding photography" section below, as this requires a different process. This also includes engagement related photography.

Carefully fill out a Filming and Photography Permit Application Form with as much detail as possible about your proposed shoot. Please contact us with as much notice as possible (at least three business days) for the best chance of your application being approved.

Download a copy of the relevant Garden’s visitor map (Adelaide , Mount Lofty, Wittunga or Botanic Park) and use this to fill in the map coordinates of your proposed shoot on the form.

Please send your completed forms (including a copy of your Public Liability Insurance) to the Media Communications team and we will soon be in touch regarding your application.

Media shoots

Filming and photography requests the Gardens deems integral to the promotion of our work are typically approved at discounted or no cost. You must contact the Media Communications team with as much notice as possible to ensure your request is approved in time for the shoot.

Wedding photography

Wedding and wedding-related shoots are handled by our on-site Function Co-ordinators, the Botanic Gardens Restaurant. Visit the Botanic Gardens Weddings website for details on obtaining a permit for your shoot.


For the safety and enjoyment of all visitors and to protect botanical collections and heritage-listed buildings, drone use by the general public is not permitted in any of the Botanic Gardens (Adelaide, Mount Lofty or Wittunga) or Botanic Park under section 22 of the Botanic Gardens and State Herbarium (BGSH) Regulations.

Drones are only occasionally permitted for use by garden staff for inspection of trees, or on the odd occasion by third parties for specific activities.

If you want to make a request to fly a drone in any of the gardens, you are required to seek BGSH Board approval to operate a drone in the Gardens or Park and must have an aviation reference number (ARN), a remote pilot licence (RePL) and apply for a commercial photography permit (see above).

For more complex drone operations outside of the drone safety rules, additional permissions and approvals will be required including remotely piloted aircraft operator's certificates ReOC.

Further enquiries

For further information, please contact our Media Communications Coordinator on (08) 8222 9345 or