Due to the extreme heat forecast for Saturday 8 March, the Bicentennial Conservatory, where In Full Colour: Dale Chihuly is held, will be CLOSED from 2pm to ensure the safety of visitors, staff and volunteers. It will reopen for Chihuly Nights.
If this impacts your planned visit, please email botanic.exhibitions@sa.gov.au for ticketing enquiries.
Please note: It is most suitable to the cooler, rainier months.
A visit to the First Creek Wetland at Adelaide Botanic Garden provides students with a unique first-hand experience of this increasingly important habitat type.
The wetland is designed specifically to assist students with learning how wetlands can be used to filter and recycle water while at the same time improve the natural urban environment.
Through this experience students will investigate water harvesting, filtering and storage processes and how wetlands serve as a habitat.