Due to the extreme heat forecast for Saturday 22 February, the Bicentennial Conservatory, where In Full Colour: Dale Chihuly is held, will be CLOSED from 2pm to ensure the safety of visitors, staff and volunteers. It will reopen for Chihuly Nights.
If this impacts your planned visit, please email botanic.exhibitions@sa.gov.au for ticketing enquiries.
Mount Lofty Botanic Garden will also be CLOSED on Saturday 22 February, due to the extreme fire danger rating.
Our teams engage with communities and organisations with a conservation focus to build our understanding of the state of our ecosystems, key threats and ways of mitigating them, and to share openly that knowledge with others.
We provide access to our collections to support plant and ecosystem conservation on local, state, national and international levels.
Documenting and restoring habitats, and re-establishing plants in the wild.
Botanic Gardens play and important role in plant conservation by studying and growing threatened species.
Documenting introduced plants and detecting weed incursions is a key part of the State Herbarium’s work.