Due to the extreme heat forecast for Saturday 22 February, the Bicentennial Conservatory, where In Full Colour: Dale Chihuly is held, will be CLOSED from 2pm to ensure the safety of visitors, staff and volunteers. It will reopen for Chihuly Nights.
If this impacts your planned visit, please email botanic.exhibitions@sa.gov.au for ticketing enquiries.
Mount Lofty Botanic Garden will also be CLOSED on Saturday 22 February, due to the extreme fire danger rating.
We are members of national peak bodies, including;
Council Heads of Australasian Herbaria (CHAH), who promote all matters of interest to herbaria in Australasia, and cooperation and understanding between institutions. Our Chief Botanist, Michelle Waycott, is a former chair of CHAH.
Australian Seed Bank Partnership, who our South Australian Seed Conservation Centre team actively work with. They are an alliance of twelve organisations creating a network of seed banks across Australia to coordinate seed conservation related activities. They aim to conserve Australia’s native plant diversity through collaborative and sustainable seed collecting, banking, research and knowledge sharing.
Universities and other research organisations directly use our collections for research. In addition, our staff collaborate on research projects and higher degree and undergraduate research students may be based with us or engage with our staff to get training and/or supervision. We deliver research data to state, national and global repositories and we have joint appointments with the University of Adelaide, including our Chief Botanist.
Federal, state and local government, including the Department for Environment and Water (DEW), Landscape Boards, Green Adelaide, Primary Industries and Resources South Australia (PIRSA)
Millennium Seed Bank Partnership, which is coordinated by the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew (London) includes organisations from over 95 countries around the world. They collect the seed of native plant species for long-term storage in seed banks.
Glycine latrobeana flowers, SA Seed Conservation Centre.
Working with our partners, our science and conservation has contributed to: